Slovenian Language Basics
The Slovenian alphabet (abeceda) has 25 letters. It differs from the English alphabet in that it has no letters x, y, w, and q, (you will find them in spellings of foreign names, places, etc.) but the following three letters (known as šumniki) are added:
c ch as in chocolate, chicken
š sh as in shop, ship
ž ge as in courgette, or as the s in measure
Here are the 25 Slovenian letters. Each of them is pronounced in the same way as the italicized letters in the English words next to them. The translation of these words into Slovenian is also given:
a |
alphabet |
abeceda |
m |
mother |
mama |
b |
bank |
banka |
n |
nature |
narava |
c |
pizza |
pica |
o |
opera |
opera |
c |
chocolate |
cokolada |
p |
pepper |
poper |
d |
director |
direktor |
r |
revolution |
revolucija |
e |
electricity |
elektrika |
s |
salt |
sol |
f |
fantasy |
fantazija |
š |
champagne |
šampanjec |
g |
gorilla |
gorila |
t |
television |
televizija |
h |
house |
hiša |
u |
moon |
luna |
i |
information |
informacija |
v |
villa |
vila |
j |
yes |
ja |
z |
zebra |
zebra |
k |
coffee |
kava |
ž |
garage |
garaža |
l |
legend |
legenda |
A simple guide to pronunciation
This is just a basic simple guide which should give you an idea of how the language is pronounced:
The Slovenian language is mostly phonetic, which means that it is pronounced as it is written. Each letter has only one specific sound which makes reading and writing easy. It is very important to remember the correct sounds of the letters and once you have done so you will be able to read and write with hardly any mistakes. The grammar, on the other hand, is a special chapter and requires a lot of time even for native Slovenian speakers to learn it properly.
Bellow you will find some valuable and useful Slovene expressions. For proper pronunciation and an excellent Slovene language course press here. (Free of charge, provided by Slovenian government, Laboratory for communication and Center for Slovene).
Essentials |
Yes |
Da or Ja |
No |
Ne |
Pleased to meet you |
Veseli me, da sva se spoznala |
How are you ? |
Kako si ? |
Do you speak English? |
Govoriš angleško? |
My name is |
Moje ime je |
So long |
Na svidenje |
Good morning |
Dobro jutro |
Good evening |
Dober vecer |
Good night |
Lahko noc |
Good-bye |
Nasvidenje |
Bye |
cao, adijo |
Thank you |
Hvala |
Many thanks |
Lepa hvala |
Very good/well |
Zelo dobro |
Welcome |
Dobrodošli |
Sorry / Excuse me |
Oprosti / Oprostite |
Cheers! |
Na zdravje! |
Questions |
Where? |
Kje? |
How? |
Kako? |
When? |
Kdaj? |
What? |
Kaj? |
Why? |
Zakaj? |
Who? |
Kdo? |
Which? |
Kateri? |
Where is? |
Kje je? |
Where are? |
Kje so? |
Where can I find? |
Kje lahko najdem? |
How far? |
Kako dalec? |
How long? |
Kako dolgo? |
How much/many? |
Koliko? |
What is the time? |
Koliko je ura? |
Holidays and Wishes |
Merry Christmas |
Vesel božic |
Happy New Year |
Srecno novo leto |
Happy Easter |
Vesele velikonocne praznike |
Happy Birthday |
Vse najboljše za rojstni dan |
Best Wishes |
Vse najboljše |
Congratulations |
Cestitam |
Good luck |
Srecno |
Regards |
S spoštovanjem |
Bless you (when sneezing) |
Na zdravje |
Time |
During the day |
Cez dan |
In the afternoon |
Popoldne |
In the evening |
Zvecer |
At night |
Ponoci |
Yesterday |
Vceraj |
Today |
Danes |
Tomorrow |
Jutri |
The weather |
What a lovely day! |
Kako lep dan! |
What an awful weather! |
Kako grozno vreme! |
It's cold / hot |
Hladno / vroce je |
Do you think it's going to rain? |
Misliš da bo deževalo? |
Do you think it'll be sunny? |
Misliš da bo soncno? |
Emergency |
Call the police |
Poklici policijo |
Danger |
Nevarnost |
Fire |
Požar |
Get a doctor |
Poklici zdravnika |
Go away |
Pojdi stran |
Help |
Na pomoc |
Get help quickly |
Hitro poklici pomoc |
I'm ill |
Bolan sem |
I'm lost |
Izgubil sem se |
Leave me alone |
Pusti me pri miru |
Look out! |
Pazi! |
Police |
Policija |
Quick |
Hitro |
Stop |
Stoj |
Where is the closest pharmacy? |
Kje je najbližja lekarna? |
I need a doctor |
Potrebujem zdravnika |
Accident |
Nesreca |
Food poisoning |
Zastrupitev s hrano |
Food and drink |
Food |
Hrana |
Drink |
Pijaca |
I'm hungry |
Lacen sem |
Breakfast |
Zajtrk |
Lunch |
Kosilo |
Dinner |
Vecerja |
I'm thirsty |
Žejen sem |
I would like to eat something Slovenian |
Rad bi jedel nekaj slovenskega |
Water |
Voda |
Tea |
caj |
Coffee |
Kava |
Beer |
Pivo |
Wine |
Vino |
Bill |
Racun |
Introducing yourself |
What is your name? |
Kako vam je ime? |
My name is |
Moje ime je |
Where are you from? |
Od kje ste? |
Where do you live? |
Kje živite? |
I live in |
Živim v |
Do you like it here? |
Vam je všec tukaj? |
What do you do for living? |
Kateri poklic opravljate? |
Do you speak English? |
Govorite angleško? |
Just a little |
Samo malo |
I am trying to learn Slovene |
Rad bi se naucil slovensko |
It is a hard language |
Je težek jezik |
Can I practice with you |
Lahko vadim z vami |
How old are you? |
Koliko ste stari? |
I am ? years old |
Star sem ? let |
Mister (Mr.), Mistress (Mrs), Miss |
Gospod (g.), Gospa (ga.), Gospodicna (gdc) |
This is my wife |
To je moja žena |
This is my husband |
To je moj mož |
Love & Romance |
Are you free tomorrow evening? |
Ste prosti jutri zvecer? |
I would like to invite you to a dinner |
Rad bi vas povabil na vecerjo |
You look beautiful |
Zelo ste lepi |
You have a beautiful name |
Imate lepo ime |
Can you tell me more about yourself |
Mi lahko poveste vec o sebi |
Are you married? |
Ste poroceni? |
I am single |
Samski (woman - samska) sem |
I am married |
Porocen (woman - porocena) sem |
Can you tell me your number? |
Lahko dobim vašo telefonsko številko |
Can I have your email? |
Lahko dobim vaš email? |
Do you have any picture of you? |
Imate kakšno svojo sliko? |
Do you have any children? |
Imate otroke? |
Would you like to go for a walk? |
Greste na sprehod? |
I like you |
Všec ste mi |
I love you |
Rad te imam |
You are very kind |
Zelo ste prijazni |
I am just kidding |
Samo šalim se |
Asking for direction |
Excuse me! |
Vas lahko zmotim? |
I am lost |
Izgubil sem se |
Can you help me |
Mi lahko pomagate |
Can I help you |
Vam lahko pomagam |
I am not from here |
Nisem od tukaj |
How can I get to |
Kako lahko pridem do |
Go straight |
Pojdite naravnost |
Go back |
Pojdite nazaj |
Left |
Levo |
Right |
Desno |
Can you show me? |
Mi lahko pokažete? |
Come with me |
Pojdite z mano |
How long does it take to get there? |
Koliko casa potrebujem to tam? |
Downtown (city center) |
Mestno središce |
Airport |
Letališce |
Train station |
Železniška postaja |
Near |
Blizu |
Far |
Dalec |
Bus station |
Avtobusna postaja |
Travel Phrases |
I have a reservation |
Imam rezervacijo |
Do you have any room available? |
Imate prosto sobo? |
With a shower / With a bathtub |
S tušem / S kadjo |
I would like a non-smoking room |
Želim nekadilsko sobo |
What is the price for a room? |
Kakšna je cena za sobo? |
Do you accept credit cards? |
Sprejemate kreditne kartice? |
I would like to rent a car |
Želim najeti avto |
A table for ?, please |
Mizo za ?, prosim |
Is this seat taken? |
Je ta stol zaseden? |
I am vegetarian |
Vegeterjanec sem |
I do not eat pork |
Ne jem svinjine |
I do not drink alcohol |
Ne pijem alkohola |
What is the name of this dish? |
Kako se ta jed imenuje? |
Waiter / Waitress |
Natakar / Natakarica |
Can we have a check please? |
Lahko dobimo racun, prosim? |
The dish is very delicious |
Ta jed je zelo okusna |
I do not like this |
Tega ne maram |
Writing a letter / postcard |
I am sending you greetings from |
Pošiljam vam pozdrave iz |
My trip is very nice |
Moje potovanje je izjemno lepo |
The culture and people are very interesting |
Kultura in ljudje so izjemno zanimivi |
I am having a crazy time |
Imam se noro |
Numbers |
One |
Ena |
Two |
Dva |
Three |
Tri |
Four |
Štiri |
Five |
Pet |
Six |
Šest |
Seven |
Sedem |
Eight |
Osem |
Nine |
Devet |
Ten |
Deset |
Eleven |
Enajst |
Twelve |
Dvanajst |
Thirteen |
Trinajst |
First |
Prvi |
Second |
Drugi |
Third |
Tretji |
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